Class 2 Buildings


Class 2 Buildings

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David McCrae is a registered Design Practitioner under the Design and Building Practitioners Act. This is a crucial qualification for Class 2 Buildings. As a registered practitioner, McCrae can provide professional services that meet the latest regulations and standards.

Class 2 buildings are multi-residential structures with dwellings stacked above or below one another. This category includes everything from high-rise apartment complexes to smaller, multi-level residential buildings. The regulations for Class 2 buildings cover both new constructions and major renovations to existing structures, including individual apartments within these complexes.

The legislative changes introduced in 2021 have tightened the rules for Class 2 buildings. Consequently, only architects registered with the NSW Department of Fair Trading can manage these projects. This requirement applies to the construction of new multi-storey apartment buildings and the renovation of existing buildings, including entire complexes and individual apartments.

These changes aim to enhance the quality and safety of multi-residential construction. They ensure that qualified and accountable professionals oversee significant projects. As a registered Design Practitioner, David McCrae and his team at M+M Architects can navigate these updated regulations with ease. They deliver high-quality, compliant architectural solutions for Class 2 buildings, managing projects from initial design through to completion.