Free Hand Sketches


Experience the timeless art of freehand sketches, where imagination meets precision. These sketches breathe life into architectural concepts, capturing the essence of design with every stroke. Each line, curve, and shading detail tells a story, offering a glimpse into the architect’s creative process and vision.

On Fridays, we celebrate this artistic endeavor with our Instagram series, #freehandfridays. This ongoing series showcases a collection of freehand sketches that highlight the raw and unfiltered creativity of our architects. These posts have become a beloved tradition. Anticipated by our followers who appreciate the beauty and spontaneity of freehand drawing.

Embrace the creativity and spontaneity that only a freehand sketch can offer, providing a unique and personal touch to every architectural vision. Unlike computer-generated imagery, freehand sketches carry a distinct character and warmth, reflecting the artist’s hand and mind. They serve as a powerful tool for communication, conveying ideas and emotions in a way that digital renderings often cannot.

Most of the images we share are drawn by our principal architects, Luisa Manfredini and David McCrae. Their expertise and passion for freehand drawing shine through in each sketch, offering a window into their creative process and the initial stages of architectural design. Join us every Friday as we explore the world of freehand sketches, where art and architecture converge in a beautiful symphony of lines and imagination.